messed up hypochondriac cookie
2002-11-04 - 5:31 p.m.

Damn you, freaky broken buddy list with diaries read long ago in the day of yester still doing the glowy red thing.

In other news, every day sees me greatly increasing my "it's not lying if you do it a certain way" pool of knowledge.

Ahem, for example today I figured out that it's not lying if you tell someone the truth under your breath. It's not your fault that they're out of earshot.

I am getting addicted to ebay... somebody slap my wrists and tut tut me away.

Lack of smartguy in psych and I was somewhat angry at him for this. In a "Damn you! This is the last week I have to obsess over you, and you don't even bother to show up??!!" kind of way.

But Psych was good. I think I am getting hypochodriacal about it though... every lecture I feel like I have a new disease. The other week I found out I have the symptons for bulimia (did you know, there's a non-purging kind?) and today I think I might have a social phobia, and I'm almost convinced my mother has GAD, general anxiety disorder.

Also, I almost have obsessive-compulsive disorder, if you count the above obsessive behaviour towards certain males and you count the ensuing behaviour (paranoia, compulsive worrying over status of hair, etc.) as compulsive.

... Nah. That's just a girl disease.

Society is such a mess. I really want to poke it and call it a hypocrite for making me feel bad about being similarly messed up, but lack of a tangible apparition representing society is sadly holding me back.

Today I bought cookie monster cookies because they were on sale for $1. C is for cookie! that's good enough for me...

Yawny. I need a break from all this nothingness. I'll talk to you later, little one.

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