The faster we're falling, we're stopping and stalling
2002-02-18 - 5:19 p.m.

Look, I'm back, and so soon after that last entry!

Don't make those whiney noises, I'll be gone again soon ...

I'm only back for two reasons and they are (wow, this is one of the first times in my life I've ever been direct ... should I write this down? Oh wait, already am ... and I think I've lost the directness thing. Damnit):

One of my favourite (should I be putting a 'u' there? I'm getting too used to American spelling ... ) diaries thinks there has been a crazy mistake with my listing of him as a favourite.

There hasn't. And I'm not hopped up on anything ... although peroxide could be a factor. Or at least, it could be if I used it ...

Probably should have thought that through. Hm. But back to my point (andyesIdidhaveoneforachange) - I like your diary. I like that you think and speak nothing like me, I like that your life is completely different from mine...

You present me with new perspective on everything ... and perspective is all oxygen-like to me lately.... and ... damnit, told you they were undefinable.

I give up now before I lose all words completely and have to resort to trying to use meaningless noises to communicate with ...

Half-related sidenote ... I love being mentioned in other people's diaries, not because I'm an attention whore (although I probably am to an extent) but it's proof that they see me, and that's proof that I exist and that makes me happy ... I don't know why.

Damn, and we were doing so well with the grip on words. Only not really.

New topic ... cleaning. Am finally getting around to doing some of it. I find myself throwing out a lot of stuff but am strangely unable to part with a lot of my picture books.

I haven't actually done that much but I think I've moved enough stuff around to give the appearance that it is slowly becoming organised when it's really just as messy as ever.

I had this blue badge that said "I am 5" sitting in my mess somewhere but now I can't find it ... spent the last half hour looking for it. I thought that I had found it when I heard this metal clang under on of my books, and I picked up this round object ...

Only to be disappointed to find one of those "Academic excellence" medals instead, which I threw back into the junk and kept looking for my badge, which I still can't find ...

I think this says a lot about me.

Not really anything good though.

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