entry #600, can you believe?
2003-10-01 - 11:25 p.m.

Today was a day of actual waking up in the morning, and a little bit of shrieking "aaaah the light, it burns."

I bought a new bra and it's a damn good thing I don't live with guys because I tried it on and then pranced around the house wanting to show it to everyone (who thankfully happened to only consist of my mother).

To buy said bra I raided my bank account, and am now currently proud owner of $2.54 in savings.

To remedy this situation I cooked my dad some steak and he gave me $250.

Okay, that sounds like I am some kind of wonder in the kitchen which I am emphatically not, what really got me the money was some whining and severe pouting and when he said "and you're gonna give me money like this when you're making money and I'm retired right?" I said "...yeah, yeah, sure,"

Fathers, so naive, don'tcha love 'em.

"No dad, I'll never get in a car with a strange boy," (which I technically haven't, that one time I did it was a truck)
"I never go to pubs or bars ... I was studying with some people who were smoking,"

Earlier we were watching tv, jamie oliver was whipping something up and dad came out with "don't ever let anyone slip you drugs" and I began to wonder how he got that from the naked chef.

Back to speaking of actual cooking, steak is really gross. I tried, I really did, because I figured I'd have to cook it for a family one day (if ever I do have my own) and after tonight I think I'm just going to make it easy on myself by trying to marry vegetarian.

I had to trim bits of fat off the steaks and I had to keep telling myself "it's okay, I'm Jamie Oliver, I do this kind of thing all the time, and anyway it's not the bloody flesh of some poor cow, it's ... it's... strangely moist play-dough, yeah,"

Then when I got to the actual cooking parentals were instructing me:
"Now, when you see the blood rise to the top-"
"Blood?? What blood! There's no blood! You mean red water, right, it's just red water!!"
"Right, red water..."

But despite all my attempts at self-delusionment I could still smell the truth and my subconscious knew it too as I got the particularly catchy "Blood is in the air" stuck in my head.

Ew, I just imagined that literally.

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