My brain's dead but my body's still typing ... ahhh!
2002-06-03 - 1:59 a.m.

You know it's past your brain's bedtime when it takes you three attempts to spell the city you have lived in your whole life.

And also when typing the above you attempt to mush words together "...have lived in whore life..."

Actually I'm not too sure how that little error resulted, but ye gads, let us hope it was not Freudian.

In Freud's time there were Freudian slips. In modern society there are Freudian typos.

Um, I should not be awake now. This is all in an apparent effort to have two of my assignments done (started and finished, as they are obviously neither yet) before Tuesday so I can use Tuesday night to concentrate solely on my ling exam study, outfit planning for ling tutorial, and the blowdrying of my hair.

The assignments look easy enough but I fear they will reveal themselves as otherwise once pursued. Damnit, why can't I be Vyv whose current assignment is on yo yos. Really.

Anyway, I'm off to research stuff in theory, but before I go I'll leave you with something which occurred to me earlier...

Both my current crushes at uni (smartguy) and work (formerly-melty-hair-boy) have had little colds during the past week. Weird coincidence, for one, and also have to note that they both have adorably cute sneezes.

Although that could be just my opinion as their sneezes conjure images of them (seperately) being unwell, in bed and me bringing them chicken soup in a cute homely manner. Aw.

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