don't mind me, I'm just melting, meeelllting ... again
2002-11-24 - 7:09 p.m.

Have decided to attack soca essay draft in normal fashion ... ie. stay up all night until it's done.

This way in theory I can still have a life on monday night.

Argh. I really want to whine about how this isn't fair but since I literally did bring it on myself I can't.

I have many many hours, some chocolate, and not even the slightest clue how to do the essay... you do the math (because I failed math too so I can't).

Yesterday I had a really good day, but today I really didn't, so I don't feel the particular need to gush over yester or stress over today, let's just say they cancel out.

AU $100 to anyone who'll do the essay for me. Any takers? No? How about $150? Still not? Tell you what, I'll give you one of my non-necessary internal organs, you'll make a killing on the black market. I'll even throw in some seriously preloved tear ducts to boot... c'mon...

I'll be back.

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