just another day, again again again
2002-12-08 - 7:42 p.m.

I found my ancient history notes circa 2001.

It's weird to think this time last year I would have been able to spew out certain facts about Sparta's government and army and society in general without even thinking and now it's like "Sparta? That's where Sparticus was from right?"

Today was okay. Work. They put me on express for the third time in three days, not that I'm complaining.

Too far from former-melty-hair-boy though.

Is Sandra Bullock ugly? Now I'm thinking she must be because a customer at work said I look just like her.

A cute guy though. With his girlfriend. It was funny, because he mentioned aloud that he thought he should have checked with her first before telling me, but apparently my overwhelming likeness made him forget.

He told me it was definitely my hair and then warned me against catching a bus.

Nothing much of note happened other than that little incident. My supervisor told me my water bottle was weird. I had to do a mini run/power walk to catch up with a customer who left their stuff behind.

I really don't get how people walk in, buy a bagful of stuff and then forget to take it with them. But then, I really don't get how people snatch at things they have left in their basket either. They seem to seriously believe I am going to steal their keys/wallet/phone or else in my checkoutchick stupidity attempt to scan them.

Okay, the latter happening isn't perhaps as ridiculous as one would hope. But still...

Former-melty-hair-boy was around, for the third day in a row. He came up to the supervisor while the supervisor was counting me and his presence made me lose count ... twice.

I had a customer today that looked exactly like how I expected maths guy would have looked (although I know from report that he doesn't actually look that way, but still) and acted all overly courteous like he would have too.

Don't get alarmed, I know it wasn't him, but it was odd at the time. Because he was standing right in front of me, and over his shoulder in the distance I could see fmhb.

It was like, this one you could have, that one you can't reach. Nice little mise en scene thing.

I've been taking some weird joy in finding a way out of the store in the path of fmhb, so that I'm going by him and he sees me even though I'm not going directly near him.

Oh yeah, I'm working my way up to friendly smile there. But it's a long road, because my smiles are mainly forced and consequently I end up looking hideously argh.

I just reread all that fmhb babble and have to ask you, do you think I'll ever have a normal relationship? I mean, relatively.

I'm still annoyed by the lack of even one dawson's creek/felicity-esque moment in my life. I know the shows are completely unrealistic, in fact I usually watch them so I can mock or criticise and go grrr but... still.

I would like to have just one occasion where someone tells me something truthfully, sincerely and with eloquence and I am able to respond in the same manner.

I should probably aim for smaller goals. Like someone telling me something and me being able to respond.

Baby steps... there was a baby on the bus and I wanted to steal him.

Things at home aren't bad. I am being more nice than usual, I think. Mother is okay. If she can just look after herself some and I can just look after her some as well as looking after myself a lot we should all be okay.

I've decided to take on some theory from psych (James-Lange? or was it Cannon-Bard?) whereby emotions are caused by people feeling some physiological state and then attributing it to an emotion (If a bear appears and you run away, you weren't scared because of the bear you were scared because you ran away). Hence all the teen angsty styled ness of the past few entries are rejected in favour of the theory that I was feeling yucky and wrongly attributed it to emotions.

Now I intend to do the right, blonde thing to do. Attribute it to a lack of moisturising and drinking enough water and such superficial body stuff.

Gonna go remedy that. Night.

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