She'd do anything to sparkle in his eyes
2002-08-12 - 2:36 p.m.

Today the weather woke up to itself and remembered that it's still winter, damnit.

So yesterday's warmth has been tempered by a chilling wind which I take as my cue to skulk around wearing freezing but cute summery clothing in hope that the weather will get confused and bring back an appropriate season.

Neutral uni day. Spent Maths poking Colleen and trying very hard to stay awake. Psych tute was not uninteresting but not great at keeping my brain awake either. By the time we got to Psych lecture I was so tired that watching my pen move across my page made my eyes dizzy and I had to shut them...

Personally I blame Richard Gere for that state. You see, if Runaway Bride hadn't been on I wouldn't have sat there watching it and leaving my psych homework til midnight.

Eventful day, as you can see. Made a new friend, which is something I suppose.

I wish that I'd stop making friends on the other spectrum of the sane scale. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's great to have friends who are different... I just miss having people constantly around who I can ramble to and poke and draw on and be weird with.

Went to my first maths tutorial... felt stupid, although actually said something aloud to the class without fear or even noticing I'd done it.

It's a first, people.

The mathematical-ness of it all made me think of Maths Guy and ache a little, my insides saying "Remember, how once, a guy actually really liked you? ... Think that'll ever happen again?"

More ache and doubt are the only answers I feel.

Smart Guy appeared to be absent from classes this morning, which made me feel lost all the more.

See subject heading for current feelings re: him. I'm done here, for now.

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