Alarmingly full .. urgh
2002-05-29 - 5:16 p.m.

Today I ended up blowing off all classes that weren't linguistics. How bad am I?

Not bad as in kickass bad I mean of course the "tsk tsk, naughty!" bad.

But not naughty in a slut way!

... I don't know why I needed to add that either.

Well actually it may relate to the whole smartguy business ... he kinda smiled at me today but who knows he very well may have been quietly laughing at my now just plain messy hair or my attempts at fashion.

I'm going a little crazy over it just because I know that he sees me and I know that there are thoughts happening in his head, regarding me or sparked by me and the thought that they could be anything or nothing is driving me insane...

Or it's possible that I'm making it all up for my own masochistic form of entertainment.

I bought mascara today but the downside of this is I didn't buy anything to wear, which is stupid because I don't know how I shall survive winter at all.

Not that I wasn't looking, believe me, I was, but stores seem to have got it into their heads that all we need to survive winter are summer clothes with jackets. Or bonafide ugly jumpers.

Ah fashion stress. Isn't it neat?

My printer isn't working ... dastard.

I'm going, because work is piling up on me at scary rates that mean soon I will be trying to breathe it ...

Or maybe the overabundance of pad thai in my stomach is causing me to feel too lazy to even write here ... My stomach looks a good 4 months pregnant in this skirt and thogh my brain keeps saying "You need to lose weight," my mouth agrees but continues to shovel the food in ... damnit.

I need to get thinner to fit in my clothes properly again and for that extra confidence hit I could really use ... blah, know everyone's sick of hearing me say the girly diet thing here but am only writing it in order to convince myself ... diet! diet, damnit!

And on that note I shall go inside andeat cookie dough til I throw up ... maybe then I'll learn!!

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