Holding, on and on and on...
2001-12-30 - 12:54 p.m.

Remind me to be brief because I'm meeting Shelley in a little while so we go hit the sale-like things. Please god, let my eftpos card stop being screwy and work...

Meanwhile, I dreamed long last night/this morning. All I can recall is this guy who got off the train and asked my age ...

"How old do you think I am?" I asked him.

"Seventeen ... or eighteen," then he went on to say how it was a good age, because I probably hadn't had much experience with guys, so if he acted like an idiot I wouldn't notice as much.

The whole idea outrages me now but for some reason in the dream I was wryly amused. Attracted even, by the gentle way he said it.

And now I have to wonder if my subconscious is just getting really desperate.

I also dreamed about school. I dreamed I had to go back to make sure they knew I'd be away in Melbourne for a week ... at first there was a problem; they wouldn't let me go. And then some other Year 12s showed up and I noticed I was wearing the wrong uniform - junior uniform. And then, of course, Human Nature showed up.

That is of course how these things go. They did their lil dance as I looked on happily ... and then for their last song I asked them to sing "Wishes" because it was the only song that wouldn't get in my head.

One of them, I think it was Andrew, decided to sit down and have a drink while the others sang. He sat next to me and told me that originally, "Wishes" had been written with very different lyrics. He sang a bit of the different lyrics and I was very impressed ...

And then they had to go. As they were leaving I called out to him "Good Luck," and he turned around and gave me a confused look, and then understood and said thank you.

Which is weird because even I don't know what I was wishing him luck with.

Meanwhile, this is what happens when you listen to "Change" by Good Charlotte for an hour on repeat. You know those songs that thoroughly remind you of someone, so much so that you can't bare to let them stop?

...Yeah, I'm still infatuated.

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