Dress me up in stitches it's now or never,
Dying to get my blood on you

2002-08-07 - 7:12 p.m.

Maths is killer boring. I start to wonder if one day while sitting there fighting so hard to pay some tiny amount of attention whether I might simply drop dead.

And then I wonder what would happen, as can only imagine the lecture pausing momentarily and then continuing on in normal boring fashion.

And of course I wonder what would happen to me. Would my "soul" rise away from this body, into another plane of existence, maybe into hell?

And what would hell be like? I can't help imagining it as some firey never-ending maths class in a big hole in the ground.

I'm nothing if not tangent girl.

So, stuff. Smart Guy (ie uni crush) was in every single lecture of mine today. Eeee. Embarrassing moment: Got to Maths lecture early, Biology lecture inside hadn't finished yet so waited outside. Smart Guy rocks up at exact moment Biology class starts trooping out, and sees me waiting there for no reason and asks about whether they should go in, and...

Okay that doesn't sound that bad but I swear it wasn't good. Especially the part where I noticed him and he walked right by me (like seriously 10 cms in front of me) and even though I knew he was looking at me I couldn't bring myself to look back, instead having to pretend there was something really interesting near the ceiling on the other side of the room.

Infatuations suck.

I'd add a remark about giving up on it now, but it's way too obvious even to me that I'd be lying... The moment I see him all my mental processes freeze.

Not that there were that many to begin with, I suppose. Just enough to make me look like a normal member of society.

Insert maniacal laughter.

Have ling tutorial with him tomorrow, which means semi-intimate class setting.

I imagine it will be scary/awkward/babble-filled/weird, but let's just wait and see... Person is coming to psych tomorrow, to stalk him a little, and there will be movieing and thai fooding later on.

As always, I'll let you know how things fall out.

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