I am the coal, la la la la la...
2002-10-11 - 9:13 p.m.

If only procrastination were an art form of sorts; then I could take my art to the streets or the galleries or museums or wherever and people would come and throw money at me (notes... coins would hurt) and then I would make squillions.

Mmmmm... nonexistant amount of money word.

Poor little unstarted psych essay. Although that's not strictly true; I have a heading and the first line.

But just between you and me, they are both going to be thrown out in the very near future.

Damn the way coal only turns to diamonds through extreme pressure over time.

Consider me the coal sitting around twiddling my thumbs, possibly humming in a homer simpson-esque style. Foregoing of course the whole coal non-thumb-having dilemma.

You know what passes the time? Aside from, the time? (Time passes itself... right? Can someone explain that statement to me?)

A handy dandy... to-do list!

Well it's fun if you're amused by little things like twirling your pen around your fingers. Which I am. Immensely so.

If you're not, I wouldn't stick around... unless you want to get to the surprise ending, bizarre twist, answers to life's problems, secrets to maintaining a relationship with one of the opposite sex, and free beer all conveniently located at the bottom of the page.

Okay so I lied about the beer and anyone who bought that has already scrolled down, but huzzah for gimmicks anyway.

Things which need of my doing

>>My. Taxes. I feel lame and 40yr old like saying that. When did I get so ooooold? Can you believe I'm 18?! Shouldn't I be rotting in a hole in the ground already? ... Unless this is the hole. Explains a lot, doesn't it?

>>Leave Requests need filling out, and similarly, weddings need rsvping. *sigh* always the bridesmaid, never the bride... oh wait... I'm not a bridesmaid either. Note to self: quietly ram others down for the bouquet.

>>Uni work blah, this is all a given. Onto things I will do on holidays: Get my goddamn L's (and consequently run down those I dislike. no, no, I'm kidding ... at least that's what we're sticking to in court *knowledgable wink*) (double parentheses? has she gone mad?? well, yes, quite. was going to add: and pick up strange cute boys. But no. better strike that) and preferably P's.

>>Get hands on as many childlike dvd/videos (muppets, animaniacs, etc.) and view them in one looong session.

>>become fruitarian. Except in the only fruit eating way. I'd become a vegetarian, but... that implies vegie eating. I can be a fruitarian, right?

>>hone pool playing skills, namely (and this will be a tricky one) LEARN HOW TO AIM. Is theorised this might improve my game immensely.

>>find a COOL job. And find a way to leave former-melty-hair-boy behind :(

>>look AFTER SELF. Teeth. Skin. Eyes. Hair. Legs. Stomach. Nails. EVERYTHING... I will moisturise so much that when I die moisturiser will be oozing out of my coffin. (what's with the running death theme, does anyone know?)

>>stop wasting time with POINTLESS DIARY ENTRIES.

... and yes, to those who did scroll down, that is the answer.

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