with her hair flowing down in blue cascades
2003-11-10 - 5:28 p.m.

[... did you get here by searching for "hair flowing down in blue cascades"? You're probably looking for lyrics to thirsty merc's "my completeness". Go here for them ...]

I'm back on my crazy sleep hours, 5am - 3.30 pm. I'm thinking if I go to bed a little later every night (morning, whatever) by the time my 8.30 am exams roll around I should actually be awake for them.

What day is it?? Crap, Monday. Hope your exam went well, little Shelley, and if it didn't, screw it! It's summer and we're young and, stuff.

I've spaced out completely over here, the lack of uni classes means my body has assumed I'm on holidays, even though I still have to do an essay due last friday and another one due this friday, and study for two major exams. But it's sunny... and birds singy... and I'm young... which has led to an acute failure to care.

I'm back to watching seriously bad tv. Last night I caught myself watching "Bizarre Ways To Die", which was notably bizarre and yet informative.

I learned that no guy is worth faking a burglary and tying yourself up on his doorstep in order to try to get him back; especially the part where you put masking tape on your mouth and a plastic bag on your head. A woman who did that in England died because she ended up choking on her own vomit.

I think we can all take away a valuable lesson from that.

My current drug of choice is the music of Thirsty Merc. By the time they return to the live scene I will probably be screaming for someone to somehow hook the sounds to my veins.

My strange housewife instincts have taken over again, I'm finding crazy joy in cleaning up and I'm actually really looking forward to christmas. I plan on baking copiously.

Maybe I'm nesting. Maybe I'm pregnant. Maybe it's with that immaculate conception I never knew I always wanted.

For that to happen I'd probably have to more seriously believe in a god though. Unless he did it to spite me. I assume he, though god could easily be female. But that would mean the baby would have lesbian parents ... How 2003.

Okay, I've almost reached the no-return point of insanity. It's probably time for breakfast now ... I say at 6pm.

I've probably long passed the no-return point of insanity, and now I'm so crazed I'm hallucinating.

Ain't life grand.

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