getting in touch with our murderous sides
2004-06-18 - 2:45 p.m.

Dude, 'twas a non-formulaic day, to say the minimum.

So I'm sitting in our patron thai restaurant, dissecting the complicated one's crazy-arsed life, and I mention the essay that I was supposed to do, the one which was due in oh 13 hours ago now, the one I still haven't started.

And you know, not five minutes later, a dark figure ends up at our table. I look up, and it takes me a good 5 seconds to realise he's not a waiter, and another 10 seconds to realise he is in fact my lecturer. You know, the one I was supposed to do said essay for?

Hehe, yeah.

At first I'm squirming, knowing he doesn't know that I haven't turned the paper in, but it quickly becomes apparent that he doesn't care. When I found an appropriate space to mutter "I haven't finished it yet...", can you guess his response?? Oh, no worries, just slip it under my door whenever.

Colour me amazed and relieved. Do you have any idea how against protocol that is? Fate has saved me from my procrastinatory messes, for once. Who do I worship for this?? I ought to bow down to something, I'm sure. Praise be moments of serendipity.

Ummedy ummedy.

The other thing I wanted to mention here (and be warned there is a rant coming, but not just yet) starts with a question - this question in fact - so here we go:

Imagine you've lost everything of value to you in your life, literally everything, and there's no chance of recovery. So you have nothing left to lose, and you've managed to dismiss all the moral arguments, and so basically: You're in a prime position to get in touch with your homicidal urges.

Now, you're not completely nuts. You have a reason to kill, you want to leave a resounding message. You're going to be stealthy about the killings, so you're probably going to end up taking out a good number of people before they catch on to you.

So the question, finally becomes, which societal group are you going to target? Who do you think needs a wake up call, that a nice little blood spilling would fix?

Hypothetically, of course. And really think about this, I mean, if you're going to just shrug the question off, then how much will you really know about yourself?

Because obviously I've figured out my answer and I really want some others for comparison, g-book me.

See, I was watching Rage earlier (for non-aus: they show videoclips from mignight til 6am; nothing else). And though normally I am aware of it and it doesn't bother me too much, tonight the overly skinny sexed-up girls prancing through every other freaking clip really, really pissed me off.

And not just from the anorexia angle, which is still totally important to me - ie. the projection of the thin ideal, which leads to body dissatisfaction, which has been shown to contribute to the emergence of eating disorders (see - I do do health psychology)

It's crazy for me to take this line of thought, since I'm by no means feminism rah-rah, but I have to concur on this one because the objectification of women is so damn blatent. Female musicians are skinny sexual beings who happen to sing (but that's almost a secondary attribute) while male musicians are surrounded by such females - as if the gaggle of impossibly thin half-naked women reinforces their manly cool musical talent.

And maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's because all music seems to be about love, and we get this confused with sex often enough, so maybe it's just appropriate.

But it's not right. I can't admit to that. I resent the representation of women, not because it's necessarily inappropriate but because it ultimately messes with girl's heads. It's only 3 minutes long but it leaves such a horrible impression - girls have to be skinny, and their sexuality is their most valuable form of currency.

I mean, I'm relatively intellectual, and even though I recognise the absurdity of these claims... on some less conscious level I am totally thinking and agreeing with those things. And if I who is supposedly smart is doing it, god, think about how many others are too.

It's just wrong!! And for those reasons I am proposing the murder of the band "A Perfect Circle" and whoever came up with their latest clip. Also I'd probably take out Holly Valence, and a few other undecided candidates.

They'd take a while to catch me, 'cos who'd guess my motive would be their offensive video clips! Plus I have no criminal record, and who'd expect a young female uni student to get in touch with her murderous side? Probably not until they find her in their kitchen with a big knife making with the stabbing.

... Okay, I may have given this too much thought. I'm creepy! And you haven't even heard my krispy kreme fantasy yet.

On that note, au revoir to the creeped out, and the fellow whack-jobs.

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