Some resolutions resoluted again
2002-07-12 - 10:56 p.m.

Have returned from the viewing of Scooby Doo, a movie that made me emphatically miss the little island where it was filmed as visited there half a year ago...

Anyway, this and recent reviewing over not-so-romantic relationships (i.e., Smartguy/Former-Melty-Hair-Boy) has led me to several resolutions...

Of course I have slim to no idea how to achieve most of these resolutions, but I am staunch in my contentness of even having them.

I will save money to visit Tangalooma!

This is of course daunting considering I go through money like there is some large hole in my pocket. And also because I had planned on dropping the friday shift (I have to get up early and deal with evil bitchy supervisor ... so not worth it) but now it seems like not such a good because money need.

Get thin!

No more binges and semi-pregnant stomach, no I say! I will drop five kilos and it will stay gone, I will stop eating out of boredom/habit/anger/happiness.

Perfect skin!

I will cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturise excessively. I will drink 2 litres and more of water a day.

I will speak (logical sentences) to Former-Melty-hair-Boy/Smart Guy should any opportunity arise!

Actually am just hoping this one falls into place after those other two. And by logical sentences I don't just mean things such as today's exciting installment (me to F-M-H-B:) "Hey ... do you know where the toothpicks are?"

And so that's that. I don't know how but it's going to happen.

And not just by me standing around saying "I want this to happen," like I usually do. There will be some effort made!

... I just don't know what it is yet.

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