and down again of course of course
2003-04-13 - 10:08 p.m.

calm down, it'll work out

things will be ok.

look after yourself.. and dont worry! it'll work out like its supposed to!

This is what I know, or at least, is what I am told, and I should trust it because I haven't got anything else, but still..

I feel like every move I make is just a new kind of wrong, because I'm not paying close enough attention.

I thought someone had fenced me off from things but apparently not, I'm still here, and despite some good moments basically all day now I've been thinking about someone I hurt awhile ago, someone I just hurt, and someone I'm likely to hurt, but not in that order.

I can hear my last, tiny shred of sanity, I locked it up somewhere and it's calling to me, screaming for me to stop and take heed.

Just when I think that things, I can't possibly make them worse, I do it.

I think I might be self-destucting, I only wish things would speed up so I wouldn't have to feel them pulling apart, but it's my fault they're pulling.

I'm losing it from the seams it seems.

Do you know what I'm doing? Because I really don't. If you figure it out could you tell me?

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