Statistics without tears... hehehe
2002-11-05 - 4:32 p.m.

The fact that I know the sixteen digits which make my credit card number off by heart does not bespell goodness for my bank account.

I foam at the mouth for ebay, and am currently watching the last half hour of bidding on the Kodak mp3 player/digital camera/digital video camera like a hawk.

Here's to the stopping of boy obsessions, and the re-starting of material obsessions. May we live a long and technologically advanced life together... who needs to stare at a boy when you can sneakily take a picture of them with your new digital camera! yeah! it lasts longer!

If that above paragraph doesn't make you wonder why I haven't been crowned queen of the nerds yet, I don't know what will.

Today was funny, last night at 1am I decided I really ought to make some sort of an effort in sociology considering I haven't done the essay and essay processes worth 50% of final grade. Today we had one last 30% assessment due in so I tried to go to uni and hand the half-arsed version of it I had done (I felt bad, not for my grades, but for the people who tried to teach me stuff... )

So yes anyway I did manage to get in eventually but not after missing my first bus by about a minute, and then the second one didn't show up at all.

I have to wonder what I did to the bus god to piss him off so much.

I rocked into the tutorial twenty minutes late and the tutorial finished half an hour early... which left a whole ten minutes of quality uni time for me. By quality, I don't mean quality really, since we were supposed to be discussing our reflections on the course and we were left with those dead end commments and many silence filled gaps, e.g. -

"The videos they showed us were good,"
"Yeah, I liked them,"

But it was good, our tutor gave us chocolate. Which I thought was very sweet of her, but it compounded that tiny, barely visible fragment of guilt a little bit.

I went to see where the counsellor place is in uni today. Punishing myself for the failing a course for not trying.

Finding the building, level and wing were hard. First I was on the wrong level and wrong wing, then I was on the right level wrong wing, then I was on the wrong level and right wing... you get the gist.

After some minutes of staring at the door I went in and quietly asked to make an appointment. The secretary gave me a piece of paper with the drop in times and basically fobbed me off.

So yeup, don't think I'll have the urge to go back there for another six months minimum.

I'm cured! Maybe.

I have been reading a book called "Statistics without tears". This is for three reasons (a) I am about to fail a course in statistics so I figure this counts as studying, (b) the title makes me laugh. As if I would ever cry over maths! I am a normal person who only cries over very sad things... like nescafe ads; and mainly (c) I am greatly amused by what would happen if I walked around crying as I read it.

Argh! 3 minutes left on ebay auction... argh! Damn! Was outbid... it's probably for the best. I mean, sure, now I lack a digital camera that plays mp3s and can record motion and stuff but... um...

Oh well, I still have my boy obsessions ;) for now...

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