I'm tired and I'm bleeding, it's best we skip this
2002-09-03 - 6:25 p.m.

Regale me with tales of the splendiferous, damnit!

I'm not sure where that came from.

Urge to use fancy pants words possibly because I lack fancy pants. Got cosmo and apparently stripey pants are in. I want!

But then so are wedge shoes. I do not want.

I'm that-time-of-the-monthing so spent most of my day curled up on couch with purple blanket, new cosmo, and Passions.

Could any girl ask for more? Well, maybe for some chocolate. But I'm dieting, so that's a no...

I keep having to remind myself. I did a mini grocery haul for myself earlier (this time with stolen parental monies) and bought lollies for the 2hrs of evil tomorrow (=maths).

Lollies currently sitting next to couch. They're eyeing me warily as I stare at them longingly.

It's as if they know their time on this planet is short.

And in case you're toe-y about me using the eye metaphor, I'll have you know some of them are animal type lollies and dinosaur lollies so in a way they do have eyes....

Sorry, I'm on a slight hormone overload here. I may have to go inside and have a cup of tea in a second.

Today was an average Tuesday I suppose, went to uni for my three hour hit of soca.

I know I was excited by this subject earlier on but truth is Babs v4.8 is way too blonde for this subject.

She ends up tuning out for large periods at a time, thinking about her hair and sometimes boys and sometimes what boys may think about her hair.


And then there's tute, half of which is spent breaking off into small groups to discuss the text and our experiences etc. Luckily have found like-minded group where one of us opens with "So, I didn't do the reading... isn't it a bitch to walk down all the way to this building," and then we spend the rest of the time bonding over the trivial.

I don't know their names, but it's nice.

And then we have to come back to the class and discuss what the groups come up with, but thankfully somehow we never end up doing that.

Probably because of David.

David is this guy who is always volunteering answers and thoughts and comments and such. It's just he answers in this vague, almost-intelligent way which on some guy who was lean and scruffy and on drugs would almost be attractive, but since he is short and glasses wearing and beardy he just doesn't pull it off at all.

Anyway, he ends up doing a lot of the talking, which is good in a way since it takes up the hour, but bad because he has that vague-ness about him which bugs me.

Example - he was going on about not really being able to draw distinctions between stuff, blah blah in that philosophical manner that just irks me (My motto: fine if philosophy thinks that nothing can be defined, but shouldn't that mean you should just shut up about it now?)

Enough about David. Saw this ad for dolls on tv, special fashion type ones whose main purpose is to be dressed -- but it using fashion as a way of expressing yourself.

Except that it's motto was:
Don't theorise, accessorise!

I am disgusted and appalled people. Gah! Gah I say...

I'm sorry, I really do need tea. Night.

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