You don't want to read this. Go not think about flying hippopotami instead
2002-10-02 - 10:07 p.m.

update, someone not me. distract me, rot my mind on anything you like.

use me and cast me aside, give me something.

keep in mind that I am already now planning to blame this on hormones.

a new wave of insecurity, forcing me to wonder if this is the ocean I chose.

I feel flat, as if you could topple me with the littlest shove... this isn't me, is it? couldn't be. then, who...?

perhaps I have just misplaced my mojo.

or myself entirely.

haunted by the feeling that I'm meaningless to you. And this time, I speak directly to you, whoever reads these sentences. Do my words merely pass through you, as if I and they aren't even here?

I just wish I could feel as if I had meaning for someone. I want to know that if I vanished into thin air, that someone would know for sure that once I had been here.

not even miss me necessarily, but know. not for having done or achieved anything for that knowledge, just having... meant something. anything.

validate me I cry out just a little.... but I'll regret that quickly I want to wash the taste of this nonentry out of my mouth already you know.

what is this crap? not teen angst surely. I know I'm pathetic a lot but this really out-lames me.

someone needs a nap and some chocolate and I think it's me.

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