Go baby,go go ...
2002-01-23 - 1:59 p.m.

So I've neglected my diary lately, wah wah (not that anyone's complaining... just thought you should know).

I'm nothing if not inconsistent.

Saw the Garbage concert last night at the Horden Pavillion, with the Superjesus as support act (... uberyay ...)

Their lead singers are very cute. They both babbled excitedly. Someone threw Sarah from the Superjesus underwear with "Marry me, Sarah" written on them.

It was fun, but it involved a hell of a lot of standing. Standing in a line to get in for over half an hour. Once in, running to the front to claim a piece of railing (which I ended up molesting throughout the night) and then standing up for the next four hours, with intervals of moshing and bopping.

Still, very worth it. Superjesus rocked very much (they played Shut My Eyes, yay, but sadly not Everybody Calls Me Lonely) and Garbage were totally awesome, amazing ... lots of other positive stuff here.

I looked very strange for said concert. I intended to wear black ... but once I outfitted myself I transformed into a bit of a goth ... who knew I had that in me? Not me ... So yes. When Shelley saw me she cracked up. And then pretended not to know me.

Next time I end up dressing like a freak, remind me not to use public transport.

Not that I'm against freak dressing, although I didn't really pull it off too well myself. Too much laughing and smiling - I'm ultimately too happy to be a goth... written with the smallest tinge of regret.

But it's strange to think about it, because if my life had taken even slightly different turns I could have been one.

But I spend way too much time dwelling on the could-have-beens ... Enrolling in uni tomorrow. Remind me to wear celeb-in-rehab sunglasses - I'm paranoid that the guy from the net (who won't leave me alone and knows far too much about me {accidently}) will stalk me. He didn't seem the stalking type ... but then ... who does?

And then there goes my week. Thursday - UNSW enrollment and meeting Shelley afterwards. Friday - Seeing Killing Heidi at Channel V with Vyv and Shelley. Saturday - Meeting Allison for lunch and a movie (so she has her flaws but I'm no good at barring people. Unless, you know, they're totally evil). And that's Australia Day too, isn't it? Maybe doing something with Shelley that night. Sunday, neighbours are coming over for a meal thingy which I must be present for. On the 30th of this month I have a thing which I can't remember. On the 2nd of Feb I'm doing something with friends of my family. The 3rd is Vyvyan's birthday, and Helen is having a belated party for hers on the 5th...

Oh and I'm not to forget that Colleen returns on the 29th, I have to clean my room (at least a 3-day job) sometime soon, and write a resume and get a job, and tape camcorder recorded tapes onto video, and fill in warranties for the tv and vcr, and get my learners license (and read the drivingy book!) ...

Oh dear God. You'd almost think I had a life.

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