and everytime you vent your spleen, I seem to lose the power of speech, you're slipping slowly from my reach...
2004-08-19 - 10:59 p.m.

I was walking out of the library today. You know how they have two spaces for entrancing and exiting, clearly marked on the bars which disallow you from trying to go the other way?

Enough said. Hehe, no, really. I wasn't paying attention until I felt the "entrance only" bar smack me across the hips, at which point I did a double-take, pretended no one had seen me, and cackled to myself as my second attempt at exiting proved fruitful.

That one five-second incident seems to sum up my entire life to date.

In other news: goth couples: aren't they just adorable??

Seriously, I saw a pair today; her with excess eyeliner and him with a marilyn manson tshirt, and they were holding hands, and I just wanted to go up to them and shriek "Ohmygod!! You two are too cute for words!!"

I still don't understand goth culture though. I thought it was about standing out and proving your individuality ... but uh... then why are you guys all dressing alike?? And black is hardly daring. You'd make a much larger statement if you were wearing neon colours.

And why do I always see them in shopping centres?? They participate in consumerism??? Shouldn't they be on a dark rooftop somewhere sneering down at us mere mortals?

I mean, I think they're cool and everything, but I don't get it. Much like the rest of the world.

In other other news, I got the zen I ordered from ebay, but it looks suspiciously like bullshit.

But it's probably my messed-up perception, when people started telling me to take things with a grain of salt, I went ahead and bought a silo.

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