Just a moment of weakness, I should examine my head
2002-06-23 - 9:02 p.m.

Today was very quiet... work as always. Same old same old, scan, scan, pack, pack, money please, thank you, scan scan, pack pack, money please...

I accidently hit a customer in the head with a basket. The first words out of my mouth were "Oh, my god, sorry!" and thankfully not the first words in my head "Well, your head shouldn't have been there in the first place. What right do you have to go walking around with it on your neck like that?!"

It had been a long day. My back was tired, former-melty-hair-boy was there and I looked beyond crap, and I found out one of my favourite supervisors is leaving next week. Damnit.

Oh well. I still have Yatin and Karina and many fun colleagues... including Peter, who today called me on the P.A. system as I was standing a metre in front of him. He laughed, I waved.

Sleeping overly lately. I fell asleep during the choctastic movie last night (ie. Willy Wonka and...) despite having much love for it. I didn't even know it was on til I flicked to it in the middle of an oompa loompa song, ironically the one about being too fat "Eating as much as an elephant eats..." I cringed as my relationship with food has fallen on the gorging side of the scale lately. Am size 11 again... what is WITH THAT?! Urgh.

I am no solution to the sound of this pollution in me, yeah...

Weird dreams from excess sleep. Something about me being a soccer player and something else about me being hit on by a 15 yr old guy and not disliking it. Something about melbourne, something about wanting to hire dvds, and something else about me and Shelley stealing baby koalas from the zoo because they were so damn cute.

Vague as is everything as always. And damn the way I've only been studying aspects of psych like sleep deprivation through actually experiencing them. Damn messed up circadian rythyms (sp.?).

Examtastic week to follow this entry, I wouldn't wait around for the fallout.

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