When you look into an abyss, the abyss looks into you
2002-05-24 - 5:35 p.m.

So, note to self buy some more angry people music.

Was listening to Michelle Branch's album, and although I like it I caught myself yelling "Shut up Michelle!" and reaching for No Doubt ...

Which actually barely rates on the anger scale, but it was the best I could do without getting up (Good Charlotte is in the house ... literally ... not in that rap sort of way).

Today is not a nice day inside or out.

Don't you love it when you spend an hour pouring out your hate, with full comprehension that you can never press enter, instead merely highlighting it all and hitting backspace?

Funny how you can erase the words but it still leaves a trace.

Can you hear the little cries in the background? No of course you can't but I can, this diary is dyin'...

You aren't getting anything from me tonight. Not that it affects you, at all, of course I mean why should it? No reason. Never reason.

Birthday cancelled. It ultimately depresses me and even while I think about it now my eyes are leeking. Isn't that just great?

Gifts will not be accepted from here on. Any impartation of birthday 'sentiment' will be at best ignored and worst rejected.

I will not stand for it. Like everything else, I will sit subserviently for it...

Feel free to break these rules in the knowledge that while you feel good about yourself you've made me hate myself that little bit more.

Isn't it just neat that this time I hit enter.

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