Try to wash the pain away from me ...
2001-11-30 - 2:58 p.m.

I suppose it's the morning after. Or if you're going to be picky about it, the afternoon after.

Am still trying to recover from yesterday's immense boredom. I have residual boredom going... I don't know, I spent all day yesterday waiting for something that never really got there. Waited for the hairdresser, waited for the makeup person, waited to be picked up, waited to be dropped off ... waited for dinner, waited for something ... Something that I'm pretty sure never got there.

That's not to say that it was a horrible evening. There were some bits that weren't as boring. Talking to Mr Ferch ... hearing Ben and Rick spar verbally ... admiring everyone ... and there was cake. Yay. Then eventually the formal was over and we stood around for ages waiting for something else. Which didn't happen. Ended up driving around with Lauren. She got pulled over and breath tested, which was something I suppose...

Really should have gone to the dang Train concert. Ah well. I know the regret of not going would always have been worse then the boredom of going. Not to mention the whining of my mother. Her whining alone outweighs the boredom of going.

So. Probably should have drunken more last night. Probably should start looking for a job...

Thought: Why is it all the Rick's I have ever met always are ... nice? They always have something really going for them - looks, personality, quirkiness, charm, humour, one or all of the above, something... While on the other side of the spectrum, all the Jason's have ever met/heard of are usually unattractive, unintelligent, or both. Why is that? Feel free to break this chain if you're a Jason by telling me how great you are ... of course you won't really be proving your modesty by doing that but hey...

I think I successfully fulfilled my saying stupid things quota last night. Take some examples:

"(something) ... is only a day away."
Babs: oh! What's that other thing ... that's only a day away... in that song...
"...You mean, tomorrow?"
Babs: Oh, ah, yeah ...

Babs:(seeing a sign that says Maroubra, with City written under it) Pfft, Maroubra's not a city! *crazy looks from others* ooooh, seperate words, riiiight...

Had more to say here but as always nothing worth saying right now.
So avoir.

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