feels like I'm starting all over again,
the last three years were just pretend

2003-12-11 - 10:19 p.m.

My feet are tired and confused; "What is this standing thing you speak of??" is what they have would have said before, if they could talk of course, and now they are learning the hard way.

There's a lot going on, my head would spin if it weren't so attached to my neck.

But I'm tired as well as tiring of my tirades. Plus just sitting is so damn under-rated. Best ride ever.

I wanted to hug the stranger sitting next to me on the bus. He wasn't cute, he didn't do anything... I want a hug-a-stranger day. Where you just get to hug and be there in the moment together regardless of the rest of the world.

And then after that there's no awkwardness, no wondering what the hug meant or why it really occurred, you both just leave and get on with your lives, never to intersect again.

Maybe that's insane, though it could be crazier. I could be proposing random stranger sex or hitting random strangers with frying pans.

There's nothing left in me to say, I am so drained that we're in negatives, I have a huge energy debt.

I wake up in the morning and I still feel possessed by the days before. Like every day takes a shade away from me and I get lighter in colour while feeling heavier, and in the end there will be no colour, only weight.

So I live on borrowed energy from god knows who ... satan's debt collectors may soon come round to break my knees. And probably do something creative, add a satanesque feel to the job, maybe brand satan's name on my butt.

But I'm off to chase the sleep the rest the light that I heard of somewhere once upon a day dream. Or you know just watch some tv, we'll see what happens.

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