feel the fear of being crushed, when the sky falls on our heads
2002-10-23 - 6:58 p.m.

Odd little day, woke up feeling good but the second I stepped out of bed I wished I hadn't.

My dad was being cranky-pants and my mother was being insecure.

For a second I wanted to say "Excuse me, but I think you'll find I'm supposed to be the brat in this family," but didn't. Next time.

My mother was freaking out about making a call to a specialist. She got all teared up and tried to guilt me into doing it, but I blanched with the half true reason of being too busy. Calling people... I can't emphasise how much it makes me wig.

She called while I was at uni, and almost successfully made an appointment except that the person making the appointment for her wouldn't accept that there is an 'a' in our street name and told her to get someone else to call. Not in those words. But still...

I like to pretend that people are non-snooty towards migrants with non perfect english. But some are. And if I find out which ones I will proceed to verbally abuse them with such eloquent english that they will be unable to respond with anything other than "...gah?"

And I'd seriously consider pushing them down as I walked away. Just because, the above response is overly mature... calls for some immaturity to balance it out.

Uni was okay. I actually did maths in maths, except that it wasn't actually the maths I was supposed to be doing. But it was in the general area, so close enough.

Smartguy was around. In his superman t-shirt. Aw... his presence calls for me being high pitched and overly girly. I don't know why. I really need to speak to him one of these days...

I know, I know.

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