Repeat this phrase: I am *such* an idiot...
2001-12-05 - 1:40 p.m.

I am such an unbelievable idiot.

I have just learned that I have accidently stood up Alex and Vyv.

I am such an idiot.

I hope they saw the movie without me. We were supposed to meet at the Ritz at one....

*continues muttering 'idiot' to herself*

And of course I, idiot that I am, managed to do three idiotic things in the course of under an hour. Ready for this?

Waking up, I immediately believe it's Tuesday. Somehow managed to banish the thought of Wednesday from my brain. This probably has something to do with the fact that I haven't been out since the formal, and am living in this timeless space. So of course, thinking it's Tuesday, I manage to convince myself that I am going out with them tomorrow. I even looked at the little note I had scribbled to myself saying "Wednesday, Ritz - 1 pm" and underlined it.

I am such a big idiot.

So, not realising I had former engagements, I forced my dad to drive me to school so I could pick up the textbooks that have been lounging in Shelley's locker for ever.

By the way, sidenote of idiocy, I looked at my mobile phone before the house and was going to take it but I thought "Nah, I won't need it..." but if I only had taken it they would have been able to reach me and break through the idiotic idea that it was Tuesday and I would not have stood them up.

So, where was I? Oh yes, I got to school, and was about to take my books away when I noticed a sign on the old study room in Shelley's handwriting. Stopping to read it, I found out it was a sign advertising a sale of books for tomorrow, and I realised dang, wasted trip, I'll just have to come in again tomorrow.

In this instance I am an idiot because I had meant to consult Shelley before I went in to pick them up but had somehow forgot.

And then I went to drop off my film in Bondi in that place that does them well and fast and when the lady asked me when I wanted them ready by, I was like "Uh ... *randomly picks a day* Friday?" and it was not til like 20 mins later that I realised that I should have said Thursday, because I have to come back in for the book sale thing ... dangit.

So yes, I am having a major case of being an idiot today, and I am very very sorry to anyone who my idiocy has affected. I plan to hide under a blanket for the rest of the day or at least until this severe case of idiocy wears off.

Okay, so now I have to go to school tomorrow, and to Bondi the day after to pick up film and possibly buy Human Nature tickets ... Ooh, I found out that Human Nature lied to Vyvyan. Well not lied exactly but definitely decieved. When she asked them about the rumours of them working with Bardot they said "well, technically we're working with them now..." but did not mention that Bardot happen to be their support act for their National tour.

And I, sadcase that I am, now want tickets ... am going to leave a message on alex's machine now, gosh, I hope they saw the movie .... ah, I feel so bad, so I'll end this note on ...

So Sorry!

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