And please, just remember
2004-03-13 - 11:46 p.m.

I've lost my grip on all the good intentions for the year, not that I ever really sincerely held them, but you know, at this point in time they have long since been put on a barge sent to sea and set alight leaving those on shore to glory/weep at the sight.

Speaking of Viking funeral ceremonies, I think, or that movie where they do that to a dead Sean Connery, the other day we got a video tape in the mail from overseas, can you guess what was on it?

No, it wasn't midget porn, and don't ask me why that was the first thought that rolled into my head either.

It was in fact, in the manner of My Krazy Kulture pt 12, a funeral.

I knew that they took pictures at these things but to videotape it and then stick pictures of the dead person on the cover... is just... bizarre, I mean, isn't it? Who wants to re-live those moments? Although I guess it's a good opportunity for those overseas to have a chance at goodbye, in a way...

But still, I was talking to my father about it later, and I found it unrelatedly astonishing that he, like me, or rather I, like him, want some kind of party and general air of festivity when we die, rather than the usual depressing mourning.

It was creepy, the way we said it, we were finishing off each others sentences and it was at that point I realised how like him I am in some ways. He really literally will live on in me.

It's strange to think I've been marked like that, to think that I could make a mark like that, scribble my name on someone else's wet cement.

But back to life itself, time passes but nothing much happens, it's an annoyingly comfortable rut that I've had decorated to suit my lazy style.

It's a little claustrophobia inducing, not much bigger than Saddam's spider hole, though I doubt the USA would find me...

Today my nephew came over, and on tv we watched a man pull a 13 tonne truck ten metres in 44 seconds, making the impossible seem significantly less than impossible, and the probable more like chance.

I am more than fine and less than okay, but I'm okay and not fine with that.

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