Sorry girl but you missed out
2002-12-22 - 8:10 p.m.

Hello friend.

You should perhaps know that I am on an ice-cream induced high and this will be why I will titter around the place like a sugarated pixie.

My day was not so great, sundays are always tough at work because am always tired by then, and not being in visual contact with former-melty-hair-boy makes it worse somehow.

I think it's because my brain releases endorphins when he is nearby and they are great pain-blockers and mood-lifters.

But blah to that. I am feeling well recovered from recent insecurities in so much as the sugar rush has numbed out the effects.

I still want new clothes. Except now the trend has turned and I feel like slashing my own ones, except mine are not very good at being slash worthy, so am having big urges to head to thrift shops and buy muchly and tear them apart and remake.

Since I absolutely suck at making things entirely from scratch, and yet am not so ill equipped as to not be unable to make things fit me and change them around a bit.

Way better to redesign than throw out the base completely, is what I have learned.

I need a cookie, and if anyone would volunteer themselves to go 2nd-hand-clothing-store-hitting, it would very much make my day.

Especially if that person were to bring me a cookie.

But nah, I'll live on one alone. C'mon, we'll sort through the junk together! Better that than emotional crap, right? I'll even give you a cookie!

As soon as someone gets around to bringing me one...

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