Bitching hair and lemonade.
2001-11-04 - 7:29 p.m.

Happy about: The fact that my hair, although no longer kickass after being slept in, is still definitely kickin'.

Worried about: My future, or more significanty, lack of. I was on this website a while ago that had this link called Finishing high school? Where to next? and I went whoo, that sounds perfect for me and so I clicked on it. Am currently still stressing over the fact that the link was broken and there was nothing there! It's a sign!

Todays Activities: I made lemonade (Thanks to Missy for the recipe). This was somewhat of a highlight of the day, becuase it turned out to be a nummy treat. I read through the episode guide of Roswell ... I forgot how much I liked that show! Max and Liz are just so cute... They're those kind of tv characters that make you watch on with googly eyes, going "aw!" at their every movement. So cute!

Conclusive proof that you are a big girly girl: After reading a particularly cute scene between Max and Liz, I left the room muttering "Aw, that's so ... *sniff* I have to go check on my lemons!*sniff*"

Proof that your parents still think you're a baby/idiot OR proof that your parents are senile? You decide: Upon hearing of my lemonade making activities, my Dad was like "I hope you were careful when cutting those lemons. You know, if you pushed really hard with a fork you could have cut them," I had to take a moment to explain that "cutting is a knife's job".

Recent blonde factor: Ah, my blondeidity levels have been soaring lately, so much so that I'm currently about a seven out of ten. Take for example, last night's incident. Standing in my bathroom at 2am, still amazed by the totally kickass hair. I realised I should attempt the perfect hair flick (you know, the bitchy/snobby/people to do and places to see one? yeah), and as I flicked my hair I thought "Wow, I can practically hear it go swoosh!" ... it was not til several hair flicks later that I realised I actually was hearing my hair go swoosh as it was hitting the shower curtain. Oops.

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