Random bites.
2001-12-29 - 2:01 p.m.

... I am officially out of things to say. I wonder when Alex gets back from Melbourne. I wonder if Missy is back from wherever yet. I wonder what Shelley has been doing ...

I should call her and find out!

Yes, I have of the smarts now. It is going on my mini to-do list.

**Mini To Do List**

- Call Shelley.
- Find some recipes for diabetics {Was at relatives last night - diabetic stroke lady not doing so well, is all crying and depressed... not good}. Ask Missy if she knows any?
- Oh, oh, ask Shelley if she has tickets to the Garbage concert yet. And if not, to get me one too ... Actually, Missy'll wanna go as well probably so ... we should get some tickets!
- Clean, clean, clean some more. I spent three hours cleaning the other night and all I managed to do was clean the tops of two drawers... crap. By the time I'm done cleaning my mess I'll be dead.

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