transitioning maybe, not
2002-10-27 - 7:12 p.m.

Last night was so much fun. I love the little gigs, the intimate foot from the stage scenario always induces the best vibe.

Such a good night... when Paul Greene boy was a few songs in, a spontaneous dance floor erupted at the front (where we were sittin'). It was a "dance or be trampled!" scenario, and since none of us were in the mood for a tramplin', we continued to 'bop' the night away. Very, very fun.

Catchphrases of the night:
"WE LOVE YOU MARCUS! ... who is marcus anyway?!"
Paul Greene: "It's so good to see so many familiar faces *interruption by cheers from people who know him* and great to see unfamiliar ones *interruption for cheers by vyv, al, shelley, cinta, adrienne, and me*..."
"We love you alex lloyd! hehehe..."

All in all it was tops, and I am having a new love for deathfolk.

Hehe. Sorry. I'll stop speaking only to those that were there now.

I look kind of wrecked today. Mousy hair, some eyeliner rubbed off under my eyes to give the 'drugged whore' look, slightly faded stamps on my wrists from the Metro which showed I'd paid and was over 18, and two mainly rubbed off but partially visible friend's mobile numbers on my hand.

Basically it looks like I went out clubbing and picked up. Twice. Lol. You have to love being able to cast an impression that will definitely be misread by those who don't know you.

Well, maybe not. I'm just amused when people see things so very wrongly.

Work was so tiring. But it was bettered by the fact that former-melty-hair-boy showed up when I hadn't expected him to. I swear he is like chocolate in boy form. He appeared and I instantly started smiling at people and really asking how they were, and I started humming merrily and stuff.

SIDETRACK1: if only, like chocolate, the supermarkets would sell him to me.
SIDETRACK2: does anybody remember that old song, something something cruise control? I started humming a line from it and in my mind the line was sometimes days seem to move just like a big fat man... that can't be right, can it?
SIDETRACK3: another awkward moment with the cleaner(-who-asked-me-out). Yesterday he was like "Hi!" in the staff room as I was like "...hi," as Claire (work friend who knows the above parentheses) said hello to me also and laughed at me. And today as I was punching my pin number to sign off he was like "hey how are you?" and I was like "...good," as I pretended to be very interested in the time. Thankfully there were other people around which held him back from possibly saying more. But urgh... shoot me. Make my cringey, cringey life a game over would you please?

Now if you'll excuse me I have to attend to wildly exciting things like staring at my psych stats assignment blankly and my neverending quest for juice.

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