red bull gives you wiiings... and most of a soca essay draft
2002-11-26 - 5:07 a.m.

Hunh. So.

I am within sight of the finish of my soca essay draft which needs to be handed in later this morning...

Only almost a whole month late!

Oh well. It will be slightly better than handing nothing in at all ever, hopefully (but probably not).

I feel better about it now, really, I do. Now I will fail... but I almost tried, so yeahhhh...

This essay is honestly the biggest making up stuff essay I have ever written. More so than anything 4u engles ever threw at me. And that says something. Maybe I'll post it later, just too see if anyone's jaw drops or if anyone does skeptical eyebrows.

Arghh... so twitchy. Thank god for me being hyper caffeine sensitive and red bull being full of hyper caffeine. My mind is moving in slow mo but my body isn't so bad...

Which is good. I only yawned once and it's 5am... which is also good, because yawning hurts.

Damn dentist who decides I need two fillings for cavities and due to never ever being good with anesthetic I need twice the amount required on normal people (= 4 shots) and even then I can still feel it.

And did I mention, I have to go back in january? Sarcastic yay's all around. I blame him when it's my fault, I know, I'll get around to caring sometime when soca is past me and I remember what sleep is.

Sleeeeep? What's that now?

Need to fin... sunrise will get here before I'm done, and then the birds will be singy and I hate that.


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